
Angelfish, a freshwater fish is a one of the  famous tropical fish as they have their distinct and interesting personalities, shape and size.

When we talk about freshwater angelfish, their aggressive nature while eating should be considered foremost to make sure that equal share of fish foods are shared during feeding time by all fishes in the water tank.

Since they are aggressive eaters by behavior, they will move to the top of the water tank while watching you, approaching them. Also, angelfish would want to feed almost all varieties of food ranging from flakes to live foods.

You should always handle angelfish with great care as they are very curious and territorial about their environment. So, be cautious and consider all these points in your mind while setting up tank and aquarium for your angelfish.

Tank Setup

Setting up an angelfish tank and aquarium is very important for overall health of your fish. It is a vital task that needs to be looked with great attention and care as it forms the life and vitality of aquarium and fish.

There are some setup rules and guidelines necessary for angelfish tanks and aquariums.

  • Tank Location requires attention, care and consideration. It should be located so that the need for extension cords for a power supply is eliminated and there are no chances of water mixing with electricity and causing fires. It should never be located in front of any window because direct sunlight heats up water and also encourages algae growth. Never locate fish tanks in the bedroom because the water tanks make noise with the humming sound of the pump.
  • Fish Tank Stand should be specifically made to support fish tanks and aquariums and should be flat and level matching with room decorations.
  • Level the Aquarium: with the help of foam or flexible pad that levels the aquarium preventing all surface irregularities.
  • Accessories: you should assemble and attach the Undergravel filter, air stones, decorations and outside filter with thermometer, water supplements and glass divider.
  • Adding Angelfish and Tank Mates: check for water pH level and nutrition level after setting up tank to ensure proper working of the fish tank. You can add other fish but add few fishes at one time to prevent populating tank at once and then you can add your angelfish after the tank is seasoned for at least a month.
  • Using an Aquarium Safe Sealant: the Fish tank should be assembled with an aquarium safe sealant to ensure no chemicals harmful to fish leech into the tank.

Tank Size

Aquarium size is nor fixed neither important, but the number of fish per gallon, a tank can handle, should be considered which varies depending on many factors like carrying capacity, pH, feeding methods, temperature, strain of angelfish, water changing frequency, volume and overall quality of angelfish that is desired. 

You can guide yourself about the number of fish per gallon with the help of following guideline.

  • 1 angelfish per gallon for nickel size angelfish.
  • 1 angelfish per 2 gallons for Quarter size angelfish.
  • 1 angelfish per 3 gallons for Silver dollar size angelfish.
  • 1 angelfish per 5 gallons for angelfish that needs to be paired.

Best Angelfish Aquariums

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Anglefish Bowls

Filtration System

Biological filtration is best for angel fish. The filtration system should be chosen after considering following points:

  • The aquarium filtration system is mostly preferred. Without it, angelfish can’t swim efficiently and are stressed due to water movement which ultimately causes slower growth.
  • Angels Plus Sponge filtration system are perfect for hatchery situations.
  • The Show tanks filtration system ensures good working of undergravel filters.
  • Whole-tank filtration system is best for populated community water tanks.
  • Fluidized bed filtration system is secondary filter that does not clog.
  • V. filtration system is used to lower the levels of dissolved organics and bacterial loads.

Carrying capacity of angelfish is never disturbed by biological filtration, but is affected by dissolved organics and bacterial loads. Frequently change the water to lower dissolved organics and bacterial load levels.

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Angelfish Aquarium Plants

The type and quantity of plant are important in setting up a tank and should always be considered for the type of fish you choose.

You should choose and plant them in aquarium in such a way that your fishes can have enough swimming area and  substrate area with  low and medium height plants lined with tall plants at the back.

This planting sequence ensures bottom dwellers  get an open area to move freely. Angelfish body features define the type of plant you will need to plant in your water tank or aquarium.

Vallisneria is a plant for angelfish that is planted in such a way that they can move freely through and about them. Angelfish has narrow bodies to move through plants and stripes to camouflage amongst plants and roots.

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When you set up water tank for your angelfish, it provides them with a specific temperature and pH levels, which is different from the water specifications of angelfish at the time packing before they enter in your aquarium.

Hence, the perfect acclimation process needs to be done when your angelfish is ready to arrive in a water tank. Tropical fish are sensitive to minor changes in pH and temperature parameters. Hence, proper acclimation should be done for their successful relocation.

Reef Safe Angelfish

Angelfish in reef aquariums show different and unpredictable behaviors. They tend to be unpredictable within same species too.  Angelfish species that are small, works well in large reef tanks, but larger species such as Emperor Angelfish should be avoided.

Corals, most likely to be picked up by various species of angelfish are known as large-polyped stony corals (LPS) like open brain corals.  Various species of angelfish in reef aquarium are as follows:

  • Dwarf angels are famous for reef aquariums.
  • Potter’s angel does not adapt itself to captivity. So, they are not used in reef aquariums.
  • Coral beauty is a hardy fish and frequently known as reef-safe rated as 50-50 for reef aquariums.
  • Golden angel is delicate beauty, very difficult to adapt itself to life in an aquarium.
  • The Brazilian, African flameback angels and cherub angels are good choices for reef aquariums.
  • The flame angel is a puzzle. Some are reef safe while some fishes are reef terrors after years of good behavior.[/su_list

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[Revised and Updated for July, 2019]
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Written by Debra Hutchinson, founder of FishXperts